Claims Disputes Mediation and Arbitration
In any project there are chances that a project manager will have to deal with a dispute that result in a claim. The problem may arise at any point during the construction process—before the process even begins or after it has been completed. Although it may be the general contractor’s or the owner’s intent to avoid it at all costs, it may happen that litigation is forced upon them. A project manager who is doing a proper job of documentation and who is somewhat familiar with legal terminology, previous court decisions, and has an overall experience in the construction sector, will advise and guide party’s to avoid litigation and should be able to find solutions that benefit the parties.
MEC Consulting provides efficient and effective support to clients, courts mediators and arbiters to resolve disputes in litigation, arbitration, expert determination or mediation. We provide clear answers to questions involving finance, economics, valuation, accountancy and industry practice, expert analysis of defects and repair cost and allocate responsibilities and obligation to the parties under dispute. We quantify damages, assess values, prepare formal reports and provide written, experimental and oral evidence for a wide variety of claims and disputes including breach of contract, tort and breach of treaty obligations.
Our familiarity with all aspects of the litigation and arbitration process enables us to help clients plan and implement appropriate dispute resolution strategies. Here we have to claim, that no project so far designed, supervised or managed by MEC has been involved in any sort of dispute.
We take into account the serious weakness of the legal system in Cyprus to provide justice in time and the high costs involved. We offer mediation as the ideal process for resolving disputes in Cyprus.
Our goal is for our work to be efficient, effective and proportionate to what is potentially at stake.